Tuesday, August 31, 2004

So much has changed

This week marked the beginning of a new job for me. I no longer work the night shift doing random and seemingly pointless tests in the lab; now I work in a computer section of the factory planning for the machine that does the fabric cutting at the factory. This job is first shift which even though it means super early mornings every day, it also means I get off work in time to actually do things at night. There are good and bad things about it, the hours being just one. Another would be my now trainer on this new position. This dear lady, while I don't think she is a mean person, has one of the worst voice tonal controls of all time. EVERYTHING she says seems like a snide remark and that is eternally bitter about everything. I really don't like it when she says anything to me. There is one thing though that she says as often as I make a mistake, a phrase that still makes me cringe at the mere thought of these terrible hateful words crossing her lips. What phrase could this be, you might ask. Does it involve any one of a certain list of four letter words? Does it involve an insulting remark to my mother? How about an off color joke involving a priest, a rabbi, and finger sniffing gorilla? To all these I must say NO!! Every time I do something that is considered a mistake the words "WET NOODLE" chill me to the bone as I once again contemplate physical harm. I cannot tell you how this has effected me, I have started sucking my thumb again and I simply cannot sleep at night. ok ok so that last part is a bit of an exaggeration. The job really is not that bad, I am just eager to get through this preliminary training stage.

On another note, the old diet. I am happy to report that I have been able to hang in on this diet, I crave things like crazy and while my silly sister has regularly given in to her cravings Lillian and I have remained true to the guidelines of the diet. One of the main motivators that keeps me going on this diet is the visible results I have experienced. I know, I know, I can sense your joy...it is exciting for me too. So as for now I continue to plod along on this diet hoping to continue with the success I have enjoyed thus far.

That's all I got for now

Thursday, August 19, 2004

Something I Forgot To Mention

So I have started this new diet, the one they call South Beach. I have been on it a few days, and I have to say it is hard. I guess it is supposed to be hard, I mean if dieting was easy no one would be fat. I am realizing what the key to this diet is, and that is cooking. I find myself cooking LOTS. I guess that is important when you think about it. That means I have lots more control over what I eat and all the crap that is added to the food from stores that is prepackaged and stuff. I now have things in my fridge like, green onions, parsley, lettuce, chicken, and tomatoes. No longer is it hamburger and yucky fatty things like that. Well I am fortunate that I do have some people willing to put themselves through this torture with me, my sister and Lillian have decided to join me on this diet. I have been taking them lunch everyday since they now work at the same place. Now my mom wants me to include her in on the delivered meals everyday. The good news is there will be some money exchanging hands for the services. It is almost like I have my very own catering business, how cute huh? Phase One is almost half over, at least I think so. Lillian and I have been extending our phase one a week so as to incorporate others into this ordeal. We shall see. I am hoping to fix a yummy dinner tomorrow night all things that we are allowed to eat. It is times like these that I am very happy I know how to cook.

Hate me if you will...

...but I find this very funny

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Wow...Nothing to Say

Well ladies and gentlemen, I am sad to say that I really have nothing to tell you about. Life has been really mundane. Everyday seems just like the day before. Is this it? Will everyday be just like today and every week like the one before? I am in this place in life where I feel like it has all plateaued, like I have already reached the zenith of life. Seems like everything from here on out will be downhill, less exciting. I know it seems pathetic but I can't help but feel that way as each day/week really does feel like I Have been here before. So this is in someway why I have not blogged in a while, I really don't think there is anything to tell you about my life. On top of all this I have been seriously feeling really lonely. The kind of lonely that you can even feel when you are surrounded by people. It is real rough.

On an up note I am seriously thinking about taking some classes this coming quarter, that is of course if I can afford them.

Money is super tight as I have discovered that not all my bills were paid by the North American Mission Board concerning my ankle surgery. I now owe the equivalant of a decent sized car to the hospital. I have many large payments to make over a long period of time so that I can just have a decent ankle. I am still baffled that NAMB didn't have better insurance to cover their missionaries. This makes it very hard for me to recommend to students to commit themselves to missions through the mission board when they really don't take very good care of their missionaries.

Many of you also read Lillian's blog and if you have kept up on reading it you would know that her little kitty, Nutmeg, passed away. I have a confession to make, I LOVED that cat. I know I know for a long time many of you have known that I HATE cats. This kitty was something different though, she was sweet and nice. I cannot believe that I loved that cat. I miss her so much, makes me cry to just think about her. I hope that she considers adopting another kitty, but only if she is as sweet and gentle as Nutmeg. This is our little secret though, don't tell anyone. I miss Nutmeg.

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

You Will Never Believe This

If any of you know me, and I am assuming that many of you do, I am not much of a reader. That isn't to say that I don't get enjoyment from reading, I just have a hard time commiting the large amounts of time it takes to finish an entire book. Well I have a new accomplishment to tuck under my belt. I have finished an entire book in only 2 days. A moment of silence, please.

ok I know for many of you this is no big deal but I have never finished a book with more than 30 pages in one sitting (and most times those had colorfully drawn action figures). But I am happy to say I read the first 30 pages of C.S. Lewis' "A Pilgrim's Regress" on Friday night, and here is the shocker I read the other 130 pages tonight. I know impressive. I did all this while at work. Maybe I can take up a new hobby of reading at work. oh well that is all I have for now..I am off now for another late night laundry session....talk to you all soon...teehee...I read a book

Thursday, August 05, 2004

Those Pesky Stitches

As many of you know I had a surgery not too long ago to remove the large screw in my leg, I was then stitched up to heal. Normally these stitches should have been removed at around 10 days. I was told that my doctor's office was going to call me to schedule a followup visit to check on the plate and various other hardware in my leg as well as remove the stitches. Well this phone call never came. I finally called them today and asked if I could get an appointment to get these stitches out. The phone call was a little scary, but they informed me that I needed to come to the office that very moment to get these stitches out. I was at work and asked to leave, after being approved I hurried to the doctor's office where the stitches were painfully removed. There is a strange hole there now but I was assured by my doctor that it would heal up in the days/weeks to come. For now I have a cool place to keep a spare quarter to make a phone call. So I am a little bit closer to being through with this broken ankle thing. I have another doctor's appointment in a month where he is going to take x-rays of my leg to make sure that the bone is healing properly. So that was my excitement for the day, it was made to be a bigger deal than it really was I think.

On a side note, what do you think about the new layout? I know it is a little weird, but I think it is fun and interesting.

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Oh That Parsnip

As many of you know by now I work at nights, I get off work at 1am. This of course means that my sleep is very important to me. (not that it isn't to anyone else) This morning after my normal 7am wake up call for a puppy potty break, I return to bed with the dog but she is not so willing to go back to sleep. She won't settle down so I go ahead and put her on the floor so she can leave me to sleep in peace. This simply will not do in her mind, if she's up, I need to be up. She begins to bark at me. Parsnip is not really what I call a yappy dog, but for some reason she felt it was very nessecary for her to channel the Yappy Dog Demon; like something from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Never before have I ever wanted to throw my puppy out the window, and I still don't; I just wanted her to stop barking. Well I guess it works out well for you cause it gave me something to post about in my new dormant blog. Hope you enjoyed, and maybe things will pick up around here soon so I have something to write about. Well really there is lots I could write about, but people don't seem to like those personal, TMI posts, so I will keep it to myself...teehee