Saturday, May 28, 2005

What a Week

I am sure most if not all of you have used a public restroom or one at your work that has had a strange white box that hangs on the wall usually higher than eye level. Those little boxes are air fresheners. They periodically spray a freshening mist into the air to keep the bathroom smelling clean. I am describing this to you so you can better understand the kind of week I have had and the incident that happened to me while at work.

I was on my way out of the restroom after washing my hands, when BAM I was misted. That's right the culprit shown above sprayed it's bathroom smelling scent directly onto my forehead. A terrible week at work was to be topped only by smelling like a Cinnamon Citrus Rainforest Blossom Splash or whatever the hell you want to call it. Yeah it was gross and I certainly didn't want to smell like that. A week full of colossal blunders on my part only to smell like that to finish it off. Pray I NEVER have a week like that again.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Who I Am

I pack my lunch everyday to work since I am on a diet. I also pack my roommates lunch since she is on the same diet. Well I began to pack mayonnaise in a little baggy, so we can have it on our diet wraps every afternoon. She finds the sight of this mayonnaise disgusting even though she likes the taste of mayonnaise alot.

I have drawn a parallel from this experience to mine with girls. It isn't that girls don't think I am nice or don't want to have me around. Simply put it is that they don't want to have to see me outside the realm that they feel I should be in. The mayonnaise belongs on a sandwich and seeing it in an environment other than that one disgusts people. Girls want to be my friend but they second I want anything more than that I am deemed digesting.

Maybe this is as good as it gets, I get to have friends that are girls nothing more.

Monday, May 23, 2005

Bad Sign

Thursday, May 12, 2005

That place we call work

So yesterday I find out that my co-worker that has been out having surgery will be out longer. This wouldn't be a big deal except that the department I work in, we are required to work as a team. They brought in someone to fill her space, but until she heals from her surgeries neither I nor my co-worker can take vacations. I had planned one right behind my co-workers vacation. I was not allowed to take my vacation as it would cause our department to fall way behind. So besides moving at the end of June, and taking a couple of days there, I will for the most part go vacationless this year. It is a pretty big bummer, and I won't be able to go see my roommates parents with her either. I like going to visit them. Oh well, I guess this is what it means to be an adult.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Extreme Makeover

I have this love affair with Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. This is possibly one of my favorite show on TV. Problem is it adversely effects my emotional state so I try not to watch it in large groups. I am VERY jealous of Ty, I really think he has to have one of the best jobs in America right now. He is kind of a modern day Santa Clause, except I don't think Santa could fit a house like one of those in his sleigh.
This past weeks episode was particularly touching for me, cause it dealt with a guy who had lost his sight. My dad was losing his sight when he died 2 years ago. To see the kind of house that was built for this guy to help him get around and to know what a struggle it is for visually impaired people in general really got the water works going. I would think of how much my dad would have liked those things and how better his life would have been with all those improvements. So don't bother me on Sunday's between 8-9pm unless you plan on watching the show with me.
I miss you dad.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Flat Tires

I haven't changed a flat tire in years. I have been fortunate. As a guy it is a skill passed on to my by my father, and a skill I will pass on to my son (provided things change for me in the girl department). I will admit I grown rusty, but I never expected to get a call to change a girl's tire when I was off doing her laundry. Just seems like a funny notion. Her fire had blown on the interstate, and if you have ever changed a tire on the shoulder of a highway you know, IT SUCKS. All the cars whizzing by you, trying to concentrate on getting the tire changed while at the same time trying to stay out of cars. A cop stopped by and really offered no help but to hold the flashlight. He did comment on how gross the milky white pool of liquid was in her trunk. I would have to agree. It was VERY gross.
Well not even a week later, I get a similar call to come change the tire of another friend whose tire went flat in her employers parking lot. I have to admit it was a MUCH easier tire to change. I was just surprised that I get two calls to change tires in less than a week. I feel very masculine for a change. Well I need to finish getting ready for work.....away I go.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Why Do I Upset People So?

Seems as of late that I cannot help but have the people closest to me upset/mad at me. No matter how much I care and try to express concern while giving freedom, I still seem to push people away. Maybe I just really have no idea how to treat people. Maybe I really the villianous monster that I feel I have become. I am at one of those stages that feels like everything I do in my relationships feels wrong. Like I am not saying the right words, doing the right actions, or at least waiting too long to do the right ones. Am I doomed to having no friends cause I am so unlikeable and the ones I have I mistreat so they run away? Am I destined to only liking girls that don't like me? Looks that way.

Monday, May 02, 2005

What's this?

She don't love carelessly that's what I've always heard
'Can't use the usual lines she measures every word
No empty promises proof is what it takes to win her heart
The truth and nothing less, simple things that set her far apart
Save your diamonds and your furs she's not your ordinary girl

She ain't your ordinary, no she's not
She ain't your ordinary girl
She ain't your ordinary, oh no
She ain't your ordinary girl

No midnight alibis, no foolish games for her
And if you cross the line you'll get what you deserve
But when you see her smile nothing seems to matter anymore
And in a little while you'll feel like you've never felt before
Like no other in the world, she's not your ordinary girl