Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Oh That Parsnip

As many of you know by now I work at nights, I get off work at 1am. This of course means that my sleep is very important to me. (not that it isn't to anyone else) This morning after my normal 7am wake up call for a puppy potty break, I return to bed with the dog but she is not so willing to go back to sleep. She won't settle down so I go ahead and put her on the floor so she can leave me to sleep in peace. This simply will not do in her mind, if she's up, I need to be up. She begins to bark at me. Parsnip is not really what I call a yappy dog, but for some reason she felt it was very nessecary for her to channel the Yappy Dog Demon; like something from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Never before have I ever wanted to throw my puppy out the window, and I still don't; I just wanted her to stop barking. Well I guess it works out well for you cause it gave me something to post about in my new dormant blog. Hope you enjoyed, and maybe things will pick up around here soon so I have something to write about. Well really there is lots I could write about, but people don't seem to like those personal, TMI posts, so I will keep it to myself...teehee