Tuesday, August 10, 2004

You Will Never Believe This

If any of you know me, and I am assuming that many of you do, I am not much of a reader. That isn't to say that I don't get enjoyment from reading, I just have a hard time commiting the large amounts of time it takes to finish an entire book. Well I have a new accomplishment to tuck under my belt. I have finished an entire book in only 2 days. A moment of silence, please.

ok I know for many of you this is no big deal but I have never finished a book with more than 30 pages in one sitting (and most times those had colorfully drawn action figures). But I am happy to say I read the first 30 pages of C.S. Lewis' "A Pilgrim's Regress" on Friday night, and here is the shocker I read the other 130 pages tonight. I know impressive. I did all this while at work. Maybe I can take up a new hobby of reading at work. oh well that is all I have for now..I am off now for another late night laundry session....talk to you all soon...teehee...I read a book