Thursday, August 05, 2004

Those Pesky Stitches

As many of you know I had a surgery not too long ago to remove the large screw in my leg, I was then stitched up to heal. Normally these stitches should have been removed at around 10 days. I was told that my doctor's office was going to call me to schedule a followup visit to check on the plate and various other hardware in my leg as well as remove the stitches. Well this phone call never came. I finally called them today and asked if I could get an appointment to get these stitches out. The phone call was a little scary, but they informed me that I needed to come to the office that very moment to get these stitches out. I was at work and asked to leave, after being approved I hurried to the doctor's office where the stitches were painfully removed. There is a strange hole there now but I was assured by my doctor that it would heal up in the days/weeks to come. For now I have a cool place to keep a spare quarter to make a phone call. So I am a little bit closer to being through with this broken ankle thing. I have another doctor's appointment in a month where he is going to take x-rays of my leg to make sure that the bone is healing properly. So that was my excitement for the day, it was made to be a bigger deal than it really was I think.

On a side note, what do you think about the new layout? I know it is a little weird, but I think it is fun and interesting.