What A Joyous Day
Today started like any other, wake up at 9 (I think), mope around a little. I finally got into the shower, cleaned up got dressed, and here is where it all changes. I had already decided to attempt to drive today, I was going to meander around my local area to see how it felt and if I couldn't do it call Lillian to come get me to take me to work. I get in and I have to take my boot off to drive cause the boot seriously limits foot movement. I was still going to hold off on walking cause I figured driving would require less force to be applied to my foot than walking.
Driving was awesome. I felt like I was home again, it did not take me long to realize that I was more than ready to drive. So, off I went, I rolled the windows down and cranked the stereo up, I was rolling once again in the pimped out Pontiac Montana. All the ladies were looking at this non-gay fella bumping in his phat mini-van. Anyway, I was off to work.
Work was fun, uneventful, and maybe a little more stressful than it needed to be, but I will talk to those people personally. All went well until the jello we made for Crosswalk would not solidify, and ball began to roll down hill. Crosswalk went so terribly that I needed to be down to help with some technical stuff. I had no plans of going down there, cause there are lots of steps to get to the bottom of this lecture hall, and stairs not give me anxiety attacks. Lillian was having trouble and she needed my help, and I was not about to let someone that has helped me so much just suffer when I could help. So, I crawl down the first set of stairs, I felt like I could walk them so I did, I walked down the second set of stairs, this is the first time I had done this since I broke my ankle. This was significant, anxiety attack and all.
Technical problems continued throughout the meeting, it was extremely frustrating. The final announcements were very entertaining, it is hard to describe to you the sometimes offensive sounds that came from the speakers, but I think it could be best summed up as the "Atari Announcements". Crosswalk is done for the night, and off to the Extra Mile at Chili's. Dinner was great, thanks Andy for picking up the tab. As things are wrapping up Lillian leans over to me and sticks out her tongue. She is making a concerned noise, I look and she is missing the ball to her tongue jewelry. This is a problem since the ring will fall out, if left unattended and no one wants that. I walk to get my walker, yes I said WALK. I am walking with my walker and I realize how much it is slowing me down, I just say screw it I am walking and march myself out to my van. I get Lillian in the van and we are off to find an open tattoo parlor.
Now back when I was young and cool, the tattoo parlors stayed open late. I guess these days they keep bankers hours as we passed several tattoo parlors that were already closed and it wasn't even 11 yet. Luckily we found one as her tongue was drying out from her holding it so long. That all said and done we head back to her car so she can return home. I drive myself home, walk to the door carrying my walker (let me tell you what a good feeling that is). The good news is not even over, no siree, I look on my bed and what is placed on my pillow but my tax return check. Hallelujah, thank you Jesus. What a blessed day.
To recap: I drove today, I walked today, I walked down stairs, and I got a large check in the mail, not to mention I got to help and be there for a friend who has done so much for me. God is so good.
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