Not Much To Say
Life is going pretty well, dare I even say hunkadory.
Our puppy is doing very well, we took her to the vet and she got a clean bill of health, no fleas, worms, or notable health concern, yippeee. Everyone seems to love Parsnip, she is simply the best dog ever.
The new job is going well, I worked lots yesterday (18 hours total, teehee) to make up for not going in on Tuesday.
Crosswalk is going well and we are wrapping up the school year here. It is a rather bitter sweet feeling. I think the cookout went well tonight and the high school students that did some seemed to have a good time.
I got to spend some time with my friend Jon before he moves down to Louisiana. I miss him so much. (but I am still not gay)
I am currently looking for somewhere else to live, so keep that in your prayers. There are a couple places up in the air so pray that I get a place to rest my head.
I have also made a good friend of mine upset in the past few days, pray that she can find it in her heart to forgive me, and that I can stop being a big idiot jerk all the time.
My family is doing well, at least as far as I can tell. My cousin graduates this weekend, so I will be at her party Sunday.
Lastly pray for Lillian as she is traveling this weekend to Boston. I am jealous that I cannot go, Boston is a cool city. Also got to meet Lillian's cool friend Lana, I like meeting new friends.
That was quite a bit for not having much to say
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