Wednesday, June 09, 2004

I Got A Screw Loose

I was running a bit late for my doctor's appointment this morning, and I was driving Lillian's Sentra there as my van was being used to help Robin move out. I had underestimated how much gas it would take for me to get to all the places I needed to go today and so I was putting the Sentra to the test of fuel efficiency. I returned Lillian's car to her with no more than fumes left in the tank, my apologies for that, I hope that you can forgive me.

Anyway back to the doctor. I go in for my x-ray and all seems to be going well. I have been walking around for a while and everything seems to be going great. The Doctor walks in and opens up my x-rays and sees that I have broken the long pin in my ankle into two pieces. I must admit my first reaction was one of shear terror, there is no way this could be a good thing. Turns out I was right, it wasn't a good thing, but to my relief it isn't a bad thing either. He explained to me that this kind of thing is fairly common and all it means is that I get to keep an extra piece of metal in me forever. If the screw were to ever cause me any medical problems they would take it out, so just one more thing to make my ankle bionic.

He continued the exam and was pressing and rubbing on my ankle to see if it was sore. I am used to the joke "when ever I do this it hurts" and the doctor responds "stop doing that". The case is not so with my doctor, he is rubbing my ankle right over where all my pins and other metallic bits are, and when I tell him that it is tender and hurts quite a bit he tells me to rub it even when it hurts, every day. I don't know that I can do this, willfully cause myself pain just so I can desensitize the area. I don't think so, just don't ever kick me in the ankle unless you want to see a grown man cry.

So I will be scheduling my appointment for my next surgery sometime this week, and I will be going in for the actual procedure in two weeks, I must admit I am very relieved to have most of this ordeal done with. Glory be to God who has made such an awesome creation that can actually repair itself and for having doctor's who are smart enough to help it along.