Monday, March 08, 2004

Well today has been another blah day, but I must admit there have been some interesting things happen today. I got a call back from the guy I mentioned before about moving in with him, and I am going to check it out here in a little bit. Also, as a big surprise the Dills' have offered me a room a their house until the end of my term. What an amazing family that is, it really does help me to feel loved. I am also getting to house sit for them this weekend, so it will be nice to have some peace and quiet and privacy for a change. YAY for the Dills!!! The situation has not changed where I live, still feeling the "Get out NOW" vibe. I avoid the house at all costs, I am only there to sleep.

My church has asked me to pray about being a major leader our 40 days of Purpose campaign. It is good to know they still love and trust me and see me as a fit leader.

funny quote:
Paul "did you know Camry means crown?"
Abby "so Camry is spanish for crown?"
Paul "No Abby, they make Camrys in Japan, so it is Japanese for crown"