You Know You Are A Cripple When....
- Bathroom trips take 15 minutes, and 12 of that is spent in transit
- Your mom has to make your bed for you (that happened today)
- You have to have your meals brought to you everyday
- You thank God for elastic waistbands
- Clean socks last twice as long since you only wear one at a time
- You become comfortable again with your mom doing your laundry (all of it)
- You plan out your trips in the house in order to make as few steps as necessary, and remain sitting for as long as possible
- You don't drink caffeine because of the previously mentioned bathroom visits
- Showers are now the highlight of your day
- People (Robin) laugh at you when you come in on a walker
- You cannot escape conversations with people you don't like
- You find out that the velcro on your boot sticks to carpet, almost catastrophic trust me
- Going to work starts to sound good
- Visits from friends mean more than they used to
- The hardware in your leg is worth more than all your other possessions combined (or maybe that just means you are a missionary)
- Your once innocent and pure walker is kidnapped, vandalized and defiled, while you can do nothing about it
- Your new nickname is "Hop-Along"
- You have to humble yourself enough to let your friends do things for you (I really don't like this one)
- You realize who really loves you, when they are so very willing to help you out every day
- You learn to make HTML bulleted lists for something like this
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