Wednesday, February 25, 2004

The experiment continues....and I am not sure why. I am beginning to realize that my life is super boring. On a daily basis not a single thing exciting happens. I got 11 e-mails in my box this morning and I was excited, this is how bad it is. I signed up to be a language partner for some international students at Wright State university. I got word today that I will be a language partner to a small group of students. For some reason most people just get the one on one experience, but I am the lucky one in that I get to have my own little group. I am excited in one sense that I look forward to getting to know them. Yet, nervous in another as to being overwhelmed by so many people. I pray for the best in this situation.

There are lots of thoughts that run through my brain on any given day. I can only post from work so it kinda limits what I can post when I want to. Most of the time when I am at work my mind is a total blank focused as much as possible on the task at hand. When I am Belgian the worst and the most things are happening to me is when I am away from the office. So I am sure my posts seem very boring. I am feeling friendless right now. I know I have a couple of friends but I fear that when they leave I will be without anyone. I know I am capable of making friends there just seems to be a lack of people my age that want to do anything. Many are married and content to be at home with their spouse, and still others would rather not be around people at all. This puts a person who is very extroverted in a tough spot. I want to be around people, even if it is to do nothing but sit and talk, watch a movie, or just to stare off into space. It just seems like the people I know are so anti-social. I guess it is not really a problem, just makes life seem boring.

There are so many things I could put here, but I feel so uncomfortable doing it. Maybe someday, when I am not feeling like such a failure